Pick it back up

Has life taken over that you had to set down the things you enjoy most. Crazy schedules and crazy life circumstances may cause to put the things we love on…

Pockets of time…

Today, I'm parking while inspiring, a PWI if you will. lol Let's explore and take advantage of pockets of time to create, to meditate, to breathe, to renew....to do whatever…

Stay in faith!

Sometimes we are in a waiting pattern. Things we are working towards are just not coming as fast as we'd like. This podcast is to encourage you to not give…

Hello 2022!!

Do y'all agree that 2021 was Delta variant of 2020?! LOL! Oh boy, we need to do some inventory on our goals and reset some things! Let me show you…

Look Within

Look inside to see what may have derailed you from your excellence. We often want to blame others and not look ourselves. Often it’s in our own decisions that derails…

Turn It Over

Y’all, don’t carry that burden!! You weren’t meant to!! Let it go, turn it over and know that the details will be handled. Follow me on IG @glowup_already_xo_k and FB…